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The Five Pushpin Advertising Test
Mainly Marketing & Design advocates Clean, Clear, Concise and Coordinated Communications. A key element of this is consistency of message.

Here is a simple way of looking at your efforts.

  1. Procure five pushpins and a blank wall.

  2. Select copies of your last five communications efforts: web page, brochure, ad, business card, flyer, business letter, etc.

  3. Pin your selected items side by side on the wall.

  4. Ask yourself the following questions.

    a. Do they look like they came from the same organization?
    b. Is your message consistent?
    c. Is your logo and focus line consistent?
    d. Are the benefits of doing business with you consistent?
    e. Are they generating the desired results?

  5. Mainly Marketing & Design can help. Call us at 516-883-0313


Mainly Marketing & Design 20 Kaywood Road PO Box 1439 Port Washington, New York 11050 516-883-0313

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